Why are men always so tricky to buy Birthday and Christmas gifts for? Here are a few suggestions (scroll down for Amazon links to each one):

Above: Army Camouflage notebook (left), Love Football notebook (center), Leonardo da Vinci Inventions notebook (right).
Below: Wine Notes (left) and Alpha Male notebook (right)

The Army Camouflage notebook is very popular. In fact, we've gone a bit nuts. It's also available as two composition notebooks (black & white and color), a journal and a pocketbook, as well as the standard 5" x 8" shown above. These links take you to them all ...
Love Football is perfect for all those soccer fans out there. (Really got to get around to an American Football equivalent design.)
Our Leonardo da Vinci Inventions notebook was built with a lot of love. It's got high resolution prints of many of da Vinci's most iconic images including: ‘Vitruvian Man’, a helicopter design and ‘Study for the Head of Leda’ (on the front) and a cannon, a parachute and sketches of fruit (on the back).
Wine Notes Whether a wine dabbler or a connoisseur, this notebook is good if you’re looking for small gifts for wine lovers. The caption on the cover reads
"Wine improves with age ... the older I get, the better I like it".
Alpha Male A gentle, tongue-in-cheek dig at the true gorilla hidden behind the pinstripe suit, this fun gift for men is one of our personal favorites.
If none of the above suit your man, you could always try our Travel & World Cultures notebooks for some ideas. We've got plenty of national flags in there which would suit men ... good luck!