Daily Planners with Your Favorite Fine Art

March 26, 2016
We've included our three most popular Fine Art images in our new range of Personal Daily Schedule Planners. Van Gogh's Starry Night, The Kiss by Gustav Klimt and Hokusai's Great Wave of Kanagwa ...


Introducing our new range of Monthly Budget Planners

March 26, 2016
We really did our research before publishing these bill organziers / expenses trackers. It took a while to get it right but it was so worth it.
Your number one complaint with other brands was the ridiculously small number of rows available for logging purchases. Very few people in this day and age can get away with only 8-10 purchases in an entire month (I can spend that in a weekend when I'm doing the pre school term haul for my daughter!) so why do most budget journals provide such a small a...
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More Blank Recipe Books

March 26, 2016
Thank you so much for all your fantastic reviews of our blank recipe journals. Here are a few more to choose from. After all, a good menu has plenty of options!

The Vintage foods one (above) is our personal favorite but we've also done a more formal one and a really pretty floral one (below)
To see our full range of recipe journals click on your preferred Amazon below


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Kids Blank Sheet Music Manuscript

March 26, 2016
The Pandas music manuscript has been so well received, we've done another kids one ... singing dolphins and mermaids with turtles, whales, fish, sea horses, sea shells and a goofy octopus. What's not to like?

Also available as a Primary Composition Book


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Primary Composition Books

March 26, 2016
We were delighted with the response to our super-cute pandas kids composition book last year, so we though we'd expand the selection. All have wide-ruled pages with margins and large page numbers, and a 10 x 10 multiplication grid on the back cover. Some are available as other kids' products. Where this is the case we've noted it below.
Dolphins (above left) also available as a Blank Music Manuscript book. Fairy (above right) also available as a 5 x 8 inch notebook.

Bunny Rabbit (above left...

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Cupcakes & Candy Design

March 26, 2016
Available on a Blank Recipe Journal, a Meal Planner, a Daily Planner, a Writing Journal (not shown) and a Composition Notebook...


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Road Trip Planner

March 25, 2016
A trip planner and travel diary combined for up to 4 vacations (just like our other Trip Planners), but the cover of this one is perfect for an American Road Trip. It's covered, front and back, in fantastic American vintage postcards, stamps and road signs.


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A New Range of Floral Stationery

March 25, 2016
We've launched a fab new range of Floral Stationery. The design (below) in purple, lavendar and pink, is available as a Daily Planner, a blank Recipe Journal, and a Monthly Budget Planner. Plenty more to come in the future we feel sure.

To see them all click on your preferred Amazon below

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Daily Planners

March 25, 2016
Get super-organized with one of our new Personal Daily Planners. All the days of the week are laid out at-a-glance over a 2-page spread so you can easily plan your schedule and never be taken by surprise. Each day there's space to plan your agenda, jobs, meals, exercise and even your look! There's also a weekly goal setting and review facility and, if your goal is to save a littlle money, they are definitely a winner because they're much cheaper than many other similar products out there. You...
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How about a Trip Planner & Travel Journal Combined?

March 25, 2016
You can store all your travel plans and memories in one place with these new journals from smART bookx. There's tonnes of stuff inside (really good value for money). There's a trip summary page, a detailed daily activity planner with costings and then a really spacious travel diary section with prompts and space for your own thoughts & photots. Each book accomodates up to 4 trips, so when it's full it will become a lasting record of all your travels, say in one year or over the course of a fe...
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