So popular is this simple plaid design that we publish it in our full range of sizes:

Above: Red Tartan Journal (right), Notebook (center) and Pocketbook (left)
Below: Red Tartan Composition Notebook

Tartan is, of course, inextricably linked with Scottish culture, probably more so than Nessie, neeps and tatties or whisky. Walk into any Scottish gift store and you will be confronted with a blaze of tartan … and yet it has evolved into so much more than just another Scottish emblem for presents. When British royalty fell for it in the mid 19th Century its destiny was set in stone, as anything royalty and the aristocracy pursue is bound to be rapidly emulated and associated with high culture. Combine these aristocratic overtones with the fact that as far back as the 1720s the use of some tartans, such as the Black Watch, was permitted only by specific regiments in the British military and you have an air of both aristocracy and exclusivity combined — two powerful ingredients for a fashion cult rather than a mere craze. And it’s a cult which continues to this day, with designer brands such as Ralph Lauren and Burberry still sporting tartans that are as popular as ever. Our love affair with tartan simply knows no bounds. Out of our full range of stationery at smART bookx, this humble, yet so adored, emblem of both Scottish and High culture remains provocative enough to be number two on our bestsellers list (out of over 80 designs!), beating all the kids stocking fillers, all the fine art, and all the national flags hands-down. Whether you’re looking for a Scottish gift or a fashion gift, or just something to remind you of your roots (or your hols!), this iconic pattern is sure to please.
PS: If you're wondering what number 1 is, it's the Antique Map Travel Journal below.
(search Amazon on "travel" & "bookx" - don't forget the 'x'')